Tuesday, October 11, 2005

back from my DC trip ...

I got three solid days where I was almost 'unplugged' from the net. Caught up with my relatives and also spent decent amount of reading and sleeping. Check out my photos DC trip set on Flickr (hope to see some comments).

Got back and just checked a bit of Bloglines. Its really cool to see that Yahoo has taken podcasting - mainstream. This has defnitely brought podcasting to another platform. People will start using it. Now along with flickr - Yahoo is defintiely going to the online world by storm. The start page on Yahoo for podacasting is a nice podcast 101 (introduction). They answer a lot of vital questions and FAQs. Job nicely done I would say.

Google came up with the following releases - (1) a AJAX based online RSS reader (seems to be okay). I am going to be using bloglines for sometime now for sure.Also it has started the bookmarking facility in the search history page.

Also there is a big 'mystery' with everyone taking their bets on what Apple is going to release on Wednesday. Anybody ready to believe that apple is releasing the video iPod?? I think its going to be cheaper affordable iPods, new iTunes release and better Macs. video iPods - will be released in March or May when the nano saturates. However lets see ...

A big article is cooking up on my mind right now. I am going to write it in another day or two. But let me just give you a heads up with a small diagram I drew. clues can be found in the picture. The people's Fourth Estate.


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