Thursday, November 03, 2005

a page full of utilities

This is one helluva compilation! The article "I want to - a page of uitilities that help you do stuff you want to" is a really cool page". Some great apps.

The ones I would recommend: {I am not giving the link in this page - just google with the name and mostly it will be the first link}

Flickr => Free, commercial version available. Allows tagging and pooling of pictures
YouSendIT => Files up to 1GB
Writely => Meeting notes, team calendars, signup sheets, proposals, you name it.
Linkedin => Find people, jobs, make new contacts. I use this one myself
Trillian => Chat to friends on mIRC, AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo!
Odeo => Listen, Sync, create your own (New)
Orb => Connect to your desktop from your laptop or PDA
Voo2do => advanced task and priority management for busy, ambitious individuals => is the best known of all these services. Try this one first of all. iGoogle => customized google.
Start => Microsoft start RSS 'my page'
Bloglines => It's the one that I use as my newspaper
Wink =>D/l the software, create your own walk thru tutorials. Free and easy to use. Fun too!
Wikispaces => Create a Wiki, Free service (New)

Enjoy the new Web 2.0 or (Live - as microsoft puts it experience)


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